30 October 2023

Bone Rites Winner Announced

Bone Rites by Natalie Bayley book cover

Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway last week to win a signed copy of Bone Rites by Australian author Natalie Bayley. All entrants correctly guessed the name of Natalie's guest post A Wander Through the Wonderful World of the Edwardians and if you missed it, you can check it our here.

Back to the news at hand, drum roll please as I draw the winner.......

Congratulations Rowan!!

You've won a signed copy of Bone Rites by Natalie Bayley valued at $21.99AUD thanks to the author. You'll receive an email from me shortly and will have 7 days to provide your Australian postal address. The author will then sign and send your prize out to you directly, so I hope you enjoy!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Congratulations to Rowan! I hope you enjoy the book, Nat x

  2. Thank you so much, Tracey and Nat! This was a great way to start the week. Looking forward to reading! :)

    1. You're very welcome Rowan and hope you enjoy 😃


Thanks for your comment, Carpe Librum!