14 May 2013

Book Cover for The Wolves of Midwinter by Anne Rice is Revealed

It's here!! The long awaited cover for the Wolves of Midwinter by legendary author Anne Rice has been revealed, and I'm so excited!

Anne Rice holding her copy of The Wolves of Midwinter
 The Wolves of Midwinter is part of the Wolf Gift Chronicles and is the sequel to The Wolf Gift.  We have a little longer to wait yet though, as The Wolves of Midwinter isn't due to be released until 15th October 2013.

I count down to any new release from Anne Rice, but the question is, will you be joining me?  What do you think of the cover?

Carpe Librum!

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  1. I have never read an Anne Rice book... Can we still be friends?

    Which one would you recommend I start with?

  2. Of course we can be friends. I recommend you start with the classic: Interview with a Vampire. Let me know if you fall in love :-)


Thanks for your comment, Carpe Librum!